
What is the ULTIMATE thing in design 1

Continuing with the series focused on “Principles and Elements of designing“.

After Balance, Rhythm, Harmony , Emphasis ,Proportion and Scale we come to the last but very important principle of design “Function”.

Whether it is a building, website, logo, machine or furniture, a good design is easy to recognize.

It is important to know how something works than how it looks.

While buying any furniture do you consider its function or only looks?

An architect Louis Sullivan coined the phrase “Form follows function”

Form follows function is an important design principle in architecture and interior design.

It states that the form of an object should be a natural outcome of its function.

Let us see with these examples,


The function of pendent light is to provide focused light.

In the above kitchen, the purpose is not getting solved to the fullest. The light is scattered in all the directions.

Instead of acting like a task light, it is acting as an ambient light. (Essentials of lighting)

Now look at this example,

Here, the entire illumination is focused downwards, towards the platform.

This design follows the function.

Kitchen stool

One more example; What type of bar stools or chairs should one have near kitchen working platform?

  • These should be higher than the normal chairs.
  • One can use it while working on the counter top or
  • It can be used by a companion to sit, sip tea & talk
  • These should be small in size compared to the normal chairs
  • They should take lesser space
  • Can be pushed in when not in use
  • Should be easy to clean

When these criteria are fulfilled then it is called “form following function.”

These are couple of examples. Does it mean that you should not give importance to the form?

You should!! Then how & when? You will see this in my next blog.

I will also reveal the criteria while buying any furniture piece, fabric, paint, flooring, lighting or an accessory.