
Easy To Do New Year Ideas in Interior Decoration

Did you have new year resolutions related to exercise, food, sleep, waking up, screen time etc.?

I will share some quick & easy to do new year ideas related to your home or office.


If furniture are placed in the same position for years together, it becomes boring; so rearrange them.

By changing the position of furniture, the room starts looking different & new.

If possible add some plants, table lamp or accessories in between the furniture or painting on the wall.

Paint a wall or corner or a strip with your favorite color as shown in the pic; which takes minimum effort, time & money. (To know more about decoration)


Take a plunge into your space.

Keep only those things which speak to your heart & discard remaining things (yes, you can do it  )

By doing this you can reset your interior & start the New year in a new style.

As per Japanese, a thing which is not used in last 1 year will never be used again.

So when you don’t need something, donate it & if you need, store in a box

& keep it in a wardrobe ( out of sight but easily accessible).

Used Flowers

Can there be greater gratification than reusing the natural resources?

You can reuse Puja or gifted flowers/garlands for walls, doors, arches.

Faded flowers can be put in a Urli bowl (or any big bowl) with water. They will bloom once again &

make your space lively & fragmented at least for next 15-20 days.

Instead of throwing them right away, try to reuse them.

It does not take much time or planning but can give refreshed look to your space.

These are some of the things which I follow regularly 

Let me know what ideas you have other than these.

Feel free to give feedback & suggestion if any.

See you soon…..