
How to Choose Paint for your Rooms

It is a festive season now. One of the easiest way to upgrade the look of your home is to paint it.

Here are a few tips on choosing colors which will make your task easy and love the home you live in. 

1. Color you love


First option could be the color you love.

Do you know which color you like the most? If you don’t know, look at your wardrobe. You may not be wearing that color everyday but you will have more dresses of that color. And that is your favourite color.

2. Nature

As we all know, nature is the best teacher and it has got solutions to all the challenges.

Look at different shades in the sky, foliage in the garden, birds, animals or blue shades of a sea. They all give great hints & you can pick any of these color combinations.

Remember nature inspired colors are meant to be restful and relaxing feelings.

3. Furnishings, fabrics & lampshades

Furnishings, fabrics & lampshades give a lot of suggestions while choosing the color. Any one bold color which is used in minimalism in fabrics, lampshades or furniture can be used on the single wall. This will act as an accent wall & lighter shade of the same color can be used for remaining walls. Complimentary colors of that shade (from furnishings, fabrics, lamp) can also be used for the walls.

4. Artwork 

Ideas for color selection can be taken from an art piece hanging in the room. Painter, sculptor, or designer spend a lot of time choosing color combinations while creating any art piece. So these combinations can be used while choosing colors for the wall which will give a great look.

5. Neutral colors

Neutral includes colors like black, white, brown, grey & beige.

When neutral colors are combined properly it gives an elegant & royal look to the room. White color even gives the feeling of bigger space. Neutral colors can be inspired from nature.

For relaxing & calm feeling neutral colors are the best options.

6. Monochromatic color scheme

Mono is single, chroma is color. 

When shades & tints of single color are used , a monochromatic color scheme is formed.

Monochromatic color scheme is the easiest to use and hardest to mess up. You can use shades, tints or tones.

Monochromatic color scheme creates unity & effortlessly keeps the room together.

Shades : In shades, the base color is darkened by adding black in it.

Tones : In tones, the base color is made dull (desaturated) by adding grey in it, and

Tints : Tints are the base colors which are lightened by adding white in it. choose a single color and use it’s shades, tones, & tints.

7. Moods you want to create 

Color selection is also depending on the type of moods you want to create.

a. Soothing and relaxing mood : Monochromatic color scheme creates soothing effect.

b. Vibrant mood : Two colors next to each other on the color wheel can be picked for a vibrant feeling. Eg. colors like red & orange, blue & violet.

c. An elegant mood : Neutral colors create an elegant, rich look & give flexibility to the room. 

8. Desired effect on the room size

If you want to make a big room feel cozy and intimate, use warm colors; such as shades of red, orange, yellow or anything in between that makes the walls look closer. This is ideal for bigger rooms. 

When you want to make a small room look bigger use lighter shades of cool colors such as blues, greens, purples & anything in between which recede visually & make the walls feel away from each other. Suitable for smaller rooms.

White color gives the feeling of big & vastness. It does not create any specific feelings but blends well with all the colors. So broadly used most of the time.

9. Paint apps

Though this looks extra work, it is a must before finalizing any paint color.

Nowadays many major paint manufacturers have these apps active on their website. where you can click a pic of the wall & apply the color you choose & take a snapshot. This way you can try different colors & shades. These apps are easy to work on.

Remember testing paint colors is the most important step in finding the right color for your home.


Lighter colors create a background for decoration whereas saturated or pure colors make bold statements and they can act as accent walls.

Soft tones create relaxation whereas bright tones create energy.

Taking these guidelines and tips into consideration, you can paint the walls beautifully and can make your dream home come true.