When you enter a room, few places look inviting & pleasing to the eyes. Whereas, others look cluttered.
Why does this happen? And how to correct it?
This happens when the design is not balanced.
Following are the basic things, need to be followed while designing any interior space or room.
There are six principles & five elements in interior designing.
This is the first blog in the series focused on “Principles and Elements of Designing“
The First principle of designing is balance.
Balance is important in work, personal-life, relations, etc.
In interior design, we talk about visual balance.
When you keep one object near another they should look balanced. Each of the objects should have equal strength or importance.
When all the interesting elements are in one place, then the viewer’s gaze will be stuck only at that place. Then the rest of the place will get ignored.
To avoid this, balancing is important.
In designing, balance is of three types
1. Symmetrical balance or formal balance
The name itself tells that there will be symmetry in this. When an imaginary central line divides the objects, then the objects on one side will be same as the other side of the line.
Symmetrical balance is generally more formal.
It is suitable for a modern bedroom or living room to lend clean and calming aesthetics. This is easy to achieve.
In this picture, look at the front wall and all the accessories in it. Observe the symmetry in furniture, sofas, cushions, table lamps and ceiling lights.
2. Asymmetrical balance or informal balance
Symmetrical balance is so predictable that it may become stale and boring sometimes. So asymmetrical balance can be thought of.
In asymmetrical balance, objects on one side will not mirror on the other side. There will be good synchronisation & visual balance between both sides of the imaginary central line.
In this picture, front wall is in symmetry. When you look at the furniture arrangement and accessories, they are different in size and shape but similar in color. Look at door on left side and mirrors on the right side. This represents asymmetry yet balanced.
3. Radial balance
This is for circular objects.
It radiates from the center point like the spokes of a wheel or the rays of the sun.
Here the circular table surrounds chairs, stools or puffies. They are placed at an equal distance from the table.
This can create a comfortable design for a group of people. Concentric circles on the ceiling are another example of it.
Catch you in the next blog with the next principle “Rhythm“.